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Municiplaity of Drenas/Glogovac, against the special court (Koha)

The Municipal Assembly of Drenas/Glogovac, dominated by advisers from the Democratic Party of Kosovo, has just voted a statement, which appeals on the deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo not to vote the constitutional amendments which open way to the establishment of the special court.

This position is in contradiction with the determination of the central structures of PDK with regards to this court.

The announcement was sponsored by the municipal advisers of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), the strongest opposition party in Drenas/Glogovac, but it also gained support of the majority at the Municipal Assembly.

“We oppose establishment of the special court, which intends continuation of persecution of the most meritorious boys of the KLA war and reduction of Kosovo’s sovereignty,” stresses this statement.

“In order to gain votes in Drenica, you promised that you would defend the sovereignty of the country, you promised economic development, employment, defense of individual rights and freedoms, while in reality, you are offering jail and deportation for those that brought us freedom,” is written on the  of the advisers of the Municipal Assembly of Drenas/Glogovac.