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Kadri Veseli addresses opposition through a public letter (RTKlive)

The President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, has addressed opposition deputies of the Assembly of Kosovo through a public letter:

“Honorable deputies of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo from  Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Initiative for Kosovo,

Ratifying of the SAA at the Assembly of Kosovo has marked a significant step in our process of state-building. This agreement clarified also formally our way of integration in Euro-Atlantic structures.

SAA represents a significant potential for economic development of our country. After SAA, we expect a positive decision-making on liberalization of visas for the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo. These successes are clear indicators that Kosovo is moving forward. The Progress Report of the European Commission clearly highlights this progress.

The recent developments at the Assembly of Kosovo have not sent good messages about us to the world. Our image has been affected. Our positions of reciprocal political correctness and the spirit of cooperation thank to which we have achieved many joint historical successes, have been shaken.

What distinguishes democracy from other forms of governing is faith on the values of parliamentary debate and the rule of law. Parliaments are created in order for the political decision making to be reached through the power of the argued words.  In their essence, they mean exclusion of violence as a political act.

Without respecting these principals, it will be difficult to orient our recently expressed political differences toward democratic decision-making, beneficial for the country and our citizens.

Dear colleagues, from Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Initiative for Kosovo,

I invite you to gather this week or some other set date at the Assembly of Kosovo and debate openly and without prejudices about the issues raised by You.

We should not forget for a single second that we are elected as representatives of the population of Kosovo.

We have obligations toward the citizens of Kosovo and the Constitutional order of the Republic of Kosovo.

We also have obligations toward the partnership with the friendly states.

The citizens await our decision on important laws and international economic agreements with our partners and which have to go through the Assembly.

Therefore, let us act!

You believe that you are representing the concerns of the citizens and this is legitimate, however political representation is not reached by impeding the work of the Assembly, outside the Assembly and independently from it, while our Republic is a constitutional and parliamentary democracy.

Cooperation at the Assembly is the right way to reach the political consensus, within our duties as elected from the population, by respecting at the same time other initiatives which are in function of the normalization of our parliamentary life and advices of our international partners.

We can work together, because there are major causes that unite us, patriotism and common vision of Euro-Atlantic integration of the Republic of Kosovo.


Kadri Veseli,

President of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo”