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Thaci: Serbia used war-mongering language at UNESCO (Kosovapress)

In an interview for EurActiv, Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci accused Serbia of leading a war-mongering and anti-European campaign against Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO. He said the whole world was appalled at the behaviour of Serbia. “It was against the spirit of the dialogue and cooperation that we are promoting in Brussels through the dialogue process; it was against the spirit of normalisation of relations and building peace and stability,” said Thaci. However, he pointed out that when looking at the number of votes in favour of Kosovo’s membership, Kosovo has won more than Serbia. “Kosovo secured the support of 92 UNESCO members with the right to vote, among them many countries that have not yet bilaterally recognised Kosovo as a state.” Thaci dismissed the possibility of the voting at UNESCO influencing Kosovo’s progress in other fields. “We have just signed the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU. This is a recognition of Kosovo’s achievements in reforms at all levels of society as measured by a very strict and technical process, not influenced by politics. This should be a signal for the rest of the world, to recognise Kosovo's achievements and to recognise the Kosovar state as a new and positive reality,” he said. Thaci also spoke about the recent developments in the Kosovo Assembly where the opposition parties are blocking its work. He said not all political means have been exhausted in discussing issues of concern to the opposition. “Therefore, we continue to call on the opposition parties to use the political means at their disposal to discuss any concerns they have. We have seen some changes of heart among the opposition parties and we believe that this is a sign that we can continue our political life unimpeded.”