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Opposition: We have not been silenced, protests will continue (Telegrafi)

Officials from Kosovo opposition parties are committed to continue opposing the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. Vetevendosje MP Albulena Haxhiu told Telegrafi that the protest against the agreements has entered its seventh month and it has almost been three months since the opposition also began demanding the resignation of the government. Haxhiu said that their opposition against the government has now taken on the form of a national protest, which was evident in the latest protest. Furthermore, said Haxhiu, Hashim Thaci’s election to the post of Kosovo president will not stop the opposition's actions against the government but will only make them stronger. “There is no alternative, this dictatorial regime will fall along with the damaging agreements,” said Haxhiu. At the same time, Muharrem Nitaj from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said nothing has change in the opposition’s stances. Regular consultations between the opposition parties, according to Nitaj, are ongoing and the opposition remains firm in demanding the resignation of the government and announcing a date for early elections. “The opposition is neither silent nor has it been silenced. Very soon the public will see its actions again,” said Nitaj adding that it is a matter of days before the opposition announces new protests which “will be more powerful and more frequent.”