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Veseli replies to the Constitutional Court: Election of President, in accordance with Constitution (Gazeta Express)

After the request of the Constitutional Court, Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, submitted his version of election of the President of Kosovo at the Assembly session of 26 February. In a prolonged replay, Veseli stresses that the Assembly of Kosovo has elected the President in accordance with the Constitution.

The three opposition parties, Vetevendosje movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), have submitted their appeal to the Constitutional Court, claiming violations during the election of the President.

Gazeta Express claims to possess Veseli’s reply to the Constitutional Court, which reportedly explains in detail the election of Hashim Thaci for the President of Kosovo. Veseli believes that everything that happened at the session was in accordance with the Constitution of Kosovo.

“The submitter of this response and the Assembly of the Republic, welcome the verdict of the Constitutional Court with regards to the KO47/16 request and expresses conviction that the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, at the extraordinary session of 26 February 2016, has elected the President of the Republic of Kosovo and implemented the election procedure in complete accordance with Article 86 of the Constitution,” is written in the reply. “I declare that according to my knowledge and my belief, the given information in this response to your request is precise,” Veseli further wrote.