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War invalids warn LDK MP not to vote in favor of demarcation deal (Indeksonline)

The Association of KLA War Veterans, the branch in Podujevo, has called on Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP, Nuredin Ibishi, not to vote in favor of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. Avni Ajeti, a KLA war invalid, told Indeksonline: “Nuredin Ibishi knows that the border delineation with Montenegro is wrong and yet again he has decided to vote in favor of the agreement. If he knows that the border delineation is wrong, he should not vote in favor. The war invalids association in Podujevo calls on Ibishi, as a former KLA member, not to vote in favor of the agreement because Kosovo will lose part of its territory”. Ajeti also said that former KLA members forgave Ibishi when he was a member of the Serbian Police, “however, forgiving him for another mistake will not be right”. “He has no reason to hide behind political excuses and pressure from his party. The MP has the vote of the people and he should answer to the people”.