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Hyseni: Serbia provoked us seriously with war inducing messages (Lajmi)

Kosovo’s Minister for Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni reported to the Commission for Internal Affairs, Security and Supervision of the KSF, regarding the recent events, concretely Serbia’s attempt to send the train to Kosovo. He said that the Ministry was in continuous coordination with the Kosovo Police ever since the announcement about the train. “We have also requested from the international community to request from Serbia not to send the train and not to force us use force. It was a serious provocation and I am not exaggerating by saying that it was a war inducing provocation,” Hyseni said.

“We should be careful during the next three or four months because we could face serious provocations, being that some do this for their campaign,” Hyseni said.

Anton Quni from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), asked the Minister of Internal Affairs during the meeting if the President of Kosovo gave the direct order for the intervention to stop the Serbian train.

“There was a complete consensus. President, being a unifying figure, was involved. All the actors were informed on time. I do not give the order for intervention, but the general director of the Police, because he is professional and knows the best when to intervene,” Hyseni said.

Member of this commission from Vetëvendosje movement, Rexhep Selimi asked why isn’t the railway line Kraljevo – Mitrovica stopped? “Is that line legal?” he asked.

“I requested information from railway authorities about this line, if it is legal or not,” Hyseni said.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs is ready to commence its duty also with regards to the wall in the north. If assistance of the Kosovo Police for law enforcement is requested, I assure you that it will be there, however the police cannot intervene without a request. I do not give orders for interventions,” the Minister said further.

Speaking about the dialogue with Serbia, Hyseni said that the dialogue should continue but it should reformat completely.

Hyseni considered Ramush Haradinaj’s arrest  unacceptable.