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Kosovo still unsure whether it will apply for UNESCO membership (Koha)

The government of Kosovo has not yet decided whether it will apply this year for UNESCO membership, the paper reports. Kosovo government’s work plan for this year mentions preparations for EU membership but not for UNESCO. Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj said there is still no decision and it is early to speak about the issue. Asked to elaborate, he told the paper: “We have plenty of time. Whether we apply or not is a matter of state confidentiality.”

At the same time, officials from the Ministry of Culture said they have not been asked to prepare any document relevant to Kosovo’s membership application and added that this field is a responsibility of the Foreign Ministry.  The paper recalls that in 2015 Kosovo fell short of three votes to become the newest member of UNESCO and that its efforts to join the organization were initially planned to go through UNMIK but then the application bid was co-sponsored by a group of countries. Two unnamed Kosovo government officials said that the international community has advised Kosovo to opt against applying this year as it will be difficult to secure two-third of votes.