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Pajaziti: Teargas does not stop demarcation (Zeri)

Head of the PDK parliamentary group, Zenun Pajaziti, expressed conviction that his political party would win in the next parliamentary elections, no matter when they would be held. He also considers that PDK will lead Kosovo after elections.

In an interview for Zeri, Pajaziti said that the Agreement on Demarcation cannot be stopped by opposition’s teargas. He stressed that visa liberalization would not happen without ratification of this agreement, therefore, he stressed that each individual that tries to impede it, would be responsible for the future of Kosovo.  “Demarcation should be treated the moment it reaches the Assembly, and we consider it should be endorsed, in order to open door of perspective of our country,” Pajaziti said.

Speaking about the results of the Commission for measurement of the territory of Kosovo, Pajaziti said “We should be inclined to believe the state mechanism, because MPs are not experts of demarcation. I trust state commissions and estimates of international experts, "added Pajaziti.