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Simic addresses CEC, request clarification on who is the leader of Serbian List (

 The problems among the members of the Serbian List, do not stop. Members of this party are divided in two when the leader of the party is concerned. Aleksandar Jablanovic has already returned at the position of the leader of the Serbian List, while this is being objected by some of the members of this list and the acting leader of the party, Slavko Simic. The latter has addressed a letter to the chief executive of the Central Election Commission Secretariat, Enis Halimi. “Dear Mr. Halimi, I am addressing you as authorized chief of the Serbian List and Serbian List parliamentary group at the Assembly of Kosovo, supported by ten deputies of this list. I am requesting from you as chief of the CEC Secretariat explanation with regards to the speculation in the media about mine and my colleagues’ removal and replacement with Aleksandar Jablanovic as the leader of the Serbian List,” is written in the letter that claims to possess.

According to the agreement signed by me and the above mentioned A.Jablanovic, I was put as temporary leader of the Serbian List, until 2020, without the right for replacement-change, or passing the position to a third person. This is an agreement that you are aware of,” notes Simic’s letter.

 “This agreement was signed by both parties and stamped with the same stamp. Mr. Halimi, we request from you to respond if you are informed about this attempt of deceit. If all the news are true, then please inform based on what law-article did the change take place. I hope that the above is not true (perhaps media spread false information) otherwise it remains for me and my co-workers to seek defense of the relevant institutions of Kosovo.”

However, Enis Halimi denies to have received such letter from Slavko Simic, even though the letter is dated 5 April of this year. Simic also did not want to say if he has received any response from the CEC Secretariat.