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Hasani: Mandate for forming new government to go to PAN first (Zeri)

Former president of the Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani, said in an interview to Zeri that the first attempt at forming a new government should be given to the coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Initiative for Kosovo coalition, PAN, as the entity that has won the most votes on 11 June elections. If PAN fails at forming the government, it will be up to the president of Kosovo’s discretion to decide who he will assign the second time around.

“The first attempt is to the party or the coalition that has the most seats, whereas the second time the president should call all political formations and reach an agreement within his neutral position. He needs to guarantee normal functioning of institutions. If he fails in this, he is committing a constitutional violation”, Hasani said.

Hasani ruled out the possibility of Macedonian model being applied in Kosovo whereby the second-largest party forms the government. He said that according to Macedonian constitution, the president there should give the mandate for forming the government to whomever has the majority whereas in Kosovo, this is under the president’s discretion.