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Today's operation: Arrests related to murder of two UNMIK police officers in 2004 (Gazeta Express)

Dozens of EULEX police members surrounded this morning village Koshovice, Podujevo municipality, regarding a 13 year old case. Sources within EULEX told Gazeta Express that today’s raids are related to the murder of two UNMIK police officers in 2004 and attempted murder of two others.

“There are also arrested individuals for possession of arms,” said the source.

The action took place at this village, being that everything started there in 2004. Former KLA member, deceased Agron Sylejmani, together with Shkumbin Mehmeti, killed in 2004 a Kosovo police officer and an UNMIK police officer. Shkumbin Mehmeti was injured during this action, he was arrested and sentenced with 30 years of prison, while Agron Sylejmani was killed. According to EULEX Prosecution, Agron Sylejmani and other unrecognized individuals, killed Bekim Kastrati, Besim Dajaku and injured seriously Gani Geci.

EULEX prosecutor, Robert Kucharski, sent an official letter to Bekim Kastrati’s father, Hajriz Kastrati, to inform him that the Special Prosecution has seized investigation on the case, concluding that the identified perpetrator, Agron Sylejmani is dead.