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Thaci: Kosovo army in the interest of all communities (media)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci said transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into armed forces is in the interest of all communities in Kosovo, including the Serb. In his remarks at the debate on Serb community’s perceptions on KSF transformation organised by the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies and the Security Policy Research Centre, Thaci said Kosovo armed forces would not present a threat to anyone just as KSF presents no threat today. “The goal of the Kosovo Security Force today and the Kosovo Armed Forces tomorrow will remain the same: strengthening of peace and stability in the region and security for all citizens of our country,” Thaci said.

He added further that the process of KSF transformation, which he said is now entering the final stage, has often been accompanied by misunderstandings. “Focus of this debate is whether this process should be concluded through constitutional changes or legislation changes. He said whichever way is pursued, one thing is certain and that is that the establishment of the Kosovo army is both a constitutional and legitimate goal. “No one will be able to intentionally block this process; no one can veto this process,” remarked Thaci. “Constitutional changes are necessary only in the symbolic aspect of name change, from Kosovo Security Force into Kosovo Armed Force,” Thaci said adding however that the constitutional way would ensure a greater inclusiveness of all communities which would make Kosovo’s journey to NATO easier.