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EU grants 8.5 million euro for north municipalities (Zeri)

The European Union (EU) Office in Kosovo allocated 8.5 million euros for the four northern municipalities, North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok, writes Zeri. This grant is dedicated to municipalities with Serb majority and it is expected to serve for economic development and infrastructure construction.

Acting Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Thomas Gnocchi said that the EU has allocated a total of 38.5 million euros for northern Kosovo, and announced similar donations in the future. "There will be also other grants in the future. Some infrastructure projects will be signed very soon," said Gnocchi. Meanwhile, head of Operations Sector, Christoph Stock explained that in this round there are five types of projects supported, which include farmers and people engaged in food processing business.