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RAE communities children return to school (Epoka e Re)

The Municipality of Shtime/Stimlje in recent years has managed to make quite large investments in the field of education, and at the same time to create conditions and higher standard in order to increase the interest of children to attend school. Also the interest of children from the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian (RAE) communities to continue their education has increased. Besnik Shala from the Education Sector in the Municipality of Shtime/Stimlje, said that in this municipality in the recent years has increased the interest of RAE children that continue their education. According to him, only in elementary and middle school “Lasgush Poradeci” during 2013/14, were registered 51 RAE children, while in 2014/15, 58 children were enrolled. "RAE children each year are increasing their interest to continue the education. This is happening due to the fact that the municipality of Shtime/Stimlje in recent years has created modern conditions and enough school space," Shala said.