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War for Democracy (Gazeta Express)

The General Secretary of the Alliance for The Future of Kosovo (AAK,) Burim Randani, writes that for years, irresponsible individuals lead Kosovo towards a serious state of anarchy. “These individuals do not know what democracy is. They only recognize the language of money, bribe, and corruption. In other words, they only know about personal, family or clan profits. They do not want to accept other arguments. Their intention is not establishment of democracy, because democracy is an obstacle for them. Respect of the legal state represents a major barricade to their shameful interests and they have always considered themselves to be above the law,” writes Ramadani.

“We are now at a critical momentum, which is determinant for the joint future,” writes Ramadani adding that the chance should not be lost. “We have to fight for democracy. We should invest our entire political and society potential to build something sustainable. We should brush off mentality of ad hock improvisations,” he writes. “This new momentum is in our hands. Not only in hands of certain part of the society or political scene. The entire population of Kosovo has an important role to play in the war for democracy,” writes Ramadani and concludes that the new leading coalition will act with much more responsibility.
