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Justice for the victims of rape (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily claims that the result of the collected signatures for the petition with the motto “We demand international justice for the raped women during the last war in Kosovo,” is another evidence that Serbian forces committed genocide in Kosovo. “This petition has become the voice of those women, who were the main victims during the war for freedom and independence. Sending the petition to the United Nations Headquarters, to be submitted to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, will sensitize further the issue which was not treated during the last years. The United Nations should draft a report on what happened in Kosovo during the war, especially to women. Victims should cooperate, while families, society and the state should support them instead of neglecting them and leaving them isolated. This petition is among the first serious steps towards recognition of the suffering of the victims of rape during the war.

Rapists should face justice, while the government of Kosovo should insist to make this issue part of the dialogue with Serbia. Serbian authorities have to cooperate with justice bodies on catching and punishing criminals of their state.”
