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Unavoidable elections (Tribuna)

In an opinion piece for the paper, journalist Arben Ahmeti, observes that the logical solution for the current political deadlock in Kosovo is to hold elections as any other scenario creates institutions with no credibility. On one hand, the opposition coalition has no possibility to elect its own Assembly speaker. If it were however to leave the speaker’s post to the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and form the government on its own, this would make for a very complicated situation and there would always be a possibility for destabilization. On the other hand, if one of the opposition bloc parties were to join the PDK and form the new government, this would be a coalition based on no principle and no value. The remaining scenarios include the formation of a technical government that would be preceded by an agreement between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK). It would be mandated with approving the budget, passing of amendments paving the way for the creation of the special court and implementation of Brussels agreements. The downside of this scenario is that the technical government would waste time and such structures have been proved to be inefficient. The final possible scenario, remarks Ahmeti, is holding of extraordinary elections. There is no need to fear the prospect of fresh elections because “we are now used to view them as time of celebration rather than war”.