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Coalition ruins PDK’s hopes (Bota Sot)

The coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), gathered once again to discuss defense at the Constitutional Court, after the decision of the latter to suspend election of Isa Mustafa as Assembly Speaker. However, the leaders of these parties also stressed that they do not intend to form a coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo and stressed that they would not allow creation of Thaçi 3 government. In fact, the idea for a broad-based government cannot go further than creation of a coalition with Vetevendosje movement.

PDK should give up rhetoric which already sounds as a clear repression on the citizens claiming that it can govern Kosovo for an additional mandate. According to this daily, most of the supporters of this party have already realized that they should not trust PDK leadership. This party is proving that it was not concerned about Kosovo’s fate during all the years of governing. Their main target was ambitions of its leaders. This editorial claims that it is everyone’s right to use legal possibilities, however this path should not become a permanent precedent in the future. PDK used its right to delay processes. Ian Cliff, Ambassador of the Great Britain in Kosovo, stated that it is not in Kosovo’s interest to hold another round of elections. These premises destroy all hopes of the PDK to become part of the future government of Kosovo.
