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Abuse of public funds (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily claims that both local and central institutions disregard the recommendations of the Office of the General Auditor. This year’s report, just as the one of the previous year, indicates hundreds of abuses. The fact that only 113 out of 425 recommendations were completely addressed, 109 only partially and 203 were not addressed at all, speaks clearly about the negligence of Kosovo institutions.

Officials remain unpunished for their irresponsibility, and this encourages them to continue with abuse. The weak judicial system also leaves space for the corrupted to set up suspicious tenders, which are rarely investigated. Anti-Corruption Agency is incapable to address different scandals of public procurement. Even if they manage to draft a report, prosecutors would not file charges. In cases when they do, then the courts, with their soft sentences or releases, become an obstacle. Therefore, auditor’s reports which point out offences that affect Kosovo’s budget, are usually forgotten thank to a general state negligence. Prosecutors should act by investigating each evidenced irregularity that could enlighten an eventual corruption affair. This is how corruption is fought, writes this daily.
