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Albanian leaders are empowering Vucic in Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi, KohaVision editor in chief, writes today that it is difficult to find another period during the last 15 years when Serb politicians felt more powerful than today, and this is not happening as a result of some genial political maneuver, but because this position is being offered to them by their Albanian colleagues. “I do not understand one thing: how is it possible that all of a sudden, leaders of Albanian political parties do not want to sit and discuss with each other, but they are all ready to discuss day and night with the extended hand of Serbia’s Prime Minister, List Srpska. How come we never heard Thaçi, or Mustafa, or Kurti, Haradinaj, Limaj saying that they do not want List Srpska in the coalition, even though the latter does not agree with the conditions or the programme of Albanian parties,” asks Kelmendi. He considers that the leaders of Albanian parties should be aware that their intention to sacrifice almost everything in order to gain power, is becoming too obvious.

“Leaders of List Srpska are feeling very comfortable to set unimaginable conditions which would make Kosovo completely dysfunctional, in order to accept coalition with Albanian political parties. They have enlisted interruption of privatization/concession for the public enterprises in Serb municipalities, including Trepca, and Brezovica, then return of what they call property of Serb Orthodox Church, establishment of the Association of Serb Municipalities…Could these conditions become part of the programme of any governing coalition?  This list represents utterly the policy of Vucic’s government in Serbia. Therefore, if this policy is accepted, it means that the policy of the Serbian Prime Minister is being implemented in Kosovo more than that of the Prime Minister of Kosovo. What will Vucic request further from Albanian politicians who worry only about votes, to revise the independence of Kosovo? Albanians went through more difficult times, however they always had the wisdom to sit and discuss. It is not important at all who would be inviting whom, who went to these meetings. Without a readiness for compromise the stalemate cannot be overcome and this will be used for the intentions of Belgrade and political-economic mafia in Kosovo. The longer this blockade lasts, the deeper will Kosovo sink,” writes Kelmendi.
