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The great winner, Albin Kurti (Koha Ditore)

Columnist of this daily, Halil Matoshi, praises the leader of Vetëvendosje movement, Albin Kurti, for bringing together the Democratic League of Kosovo, The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Initiative party “in order to say no to extortion, intimidation, corruption and nepotism. To help Kosovo bring back the real values, fatherland determination, knowledge and responsibility."

“Albin Kurti played the perfect role of the modern leader, by jumping into the offensive to install values of legal patriotism in this country that was rolling towards an abyss,” writes Matoshi. “Under these circumstances, the non-winning parties can build a sustainable government, despite the fact that Albin Kurti, in an honorable manner, remains in opposition. I want to believe that Ramush Haradinaj will create a government of knowledgeable technocrats and not one of the evil people as it happened during the last two mandates of the government.”

Different actors are interpreting Article 95 of the Constitution with some dilemmas, however the first paragraph of this article stresses clearly that after the elections, the President of the Republic of Kosovo proposes  to the Assembly the candidate for Prime Minister, in consultation with the political party or coalition that has won the required majority for the Assembly, to create the Government.

Matoshi says that one should not prejudice the role of President Jahjaga in this situation; however, he considers that she does not have the luxury to lead the country towards an institutional crisis, “because 377 thousand votes cannot be subject to her dictate or to PDK’s interpretations of the Constitution.”