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Politicians and the rest (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that so far Kosovo politicians have proved that their primary concern is not the well-being of the people but rather their own. “It is enough to look into laws and regulations that determine benefits for officials, government members, members of parliament, members of boards, heads of agencies, and realize that they enjoy excessive privileges. A former member of parliament should not be paid four times higher than the average salary at a time when one third of the population lives in deep poverty. It is scandalous for certain leaders to receive salaries that are too high even for standards of EU member states … Politics should serve to narrow gaps in society and not the contrary … Parliament should support laws that limit the benefits of government members and expand the map of social benefits. This will at the same time encourage people to be involved in politics, seeing this not as a business but rather as means to implement serious development programs.”
