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On the danger of the state shutdown (Koha)

Lumir Abdixhiku, Executive Director of the Pristina-based research institute Riinvest, argues in an opinion piece that members of the Kosovo Assembly have a little more than 100 days to come up with an institutional solution and form the Assembly. “Otherwise, our country will enter the state of shutdown for the first time. The state shutdown happens when the assembly fails to adopt the funding of the government, public agencies and practically all public services that are related to the budget. In the absence of funding, all state institutions will enter a forceful state of leave and every activity will be voluntary … The President, the Constitutional Court, the international community, independent mediators and political parties must understand that their negligence, interpretation ambiguity and political indifference can lead Kosovo sooner than we think on the verge of destabilization – including protests by Kosovars all over the country. I cannot imagine Kosovo in February 2015 without an Assembly, without a budget and with 80,000 civil servants without salaries. It is precisely the stability of teachers, doctors, police officers, firefighters and every other public servant that has helped avoid social unrest in the country.”