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A government for the state (Kosova Sot)

The people of Kosovo do not deserve this humiliation by the political structure represented at the Kosovo Assembly, writes the paper in its front-page editorial. The citizens have voted based on their political convictions and the results were acceptable to all, stresses the paper. However, it adds, thirst for power has led to unnatural developments with the political leadership splitting into two blocs and being unable to form new institutions. The consequences of this situation are very serious for Kosovo, claims the paper further, and while no one is shifting their positions the heaviest burden is falling on the citizens of Kosovo. “There is no doubt that the political leadership could find a solution in a matter of hours, if there is good will”, writes the paper noting that this solution needs to be creative and parties should come up with names that are acceptable for forming the new government, even if this is a technical one. “If the leaders sacrifice themselves a little bit, they can give the country an institutional life with an alternative government, without leaders inside it”, concludes the paper.