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Jablanovic, go away! (Zeri)

Columnist Enis Veliu writes that the Serbian Minister for Communities and Returns in the government of Kosovo, Aleksandar Jablanovic, showed that he has the courage and political power to take decisions at the level of the Kosovo government and while he is being paid by the Kosovo budget, he continues to implement instructions from the government of Serbia. The initial idea of the Kosovo government to transform the Trepca mine into a public enterprise was good and acceptable and even the opposition parties embraced it but the plan was soon derailed by Serbia which managed to interfere and change the draft law  that was supposed to change the mine’s legal status. Veliu claims that the yielding of the government of Kosovo to Serbia’s demands showed that Kosovo is not capable of taking any major decision without the prior approval from Belgrade. Serbian ministers in the Kosovo government have also shown their “strength” in efforts for establishing the association/community of Serb municipalities which, according to Veliu, will empower them even more. “It is not unforeseeable that in the near future, they transform the association into a Serb Republic within Kosovo because their illegal actions have not been sanctioned by anyone so far”, concludes Veliu.