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Between the road and the Assembly (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that just as the entire Kosovo, political opposition is facing deep crisis. They are not in an enviable position, writes this daily, however crisis can strengthen them or in case of passiveness, destroy them. According to Kosova Sot, a few opposition actions have not drawn sufficient attention even though the raised issues and requests were largely supported. “Our people are not seeing any innovations, among those who lead the protests and opposition projections. Therefore, this leadership has to change as soon as possible in order for the opposition to have a new, promissory look. And the idea is not to simply replace a leader with one that would be dictated by the powerful ones within the party, but to initiate reforms and open doors to capable people. There is a lot of unused potential in Kosovo,” writes this daily.

The editorial further notes that it should be clear to the opposition that it is difficult to regain trust of the people without transforming the concept of policymaking. ‘However, the opposition parties should initially clear the terrain from the political bushes that are found at each party.’ This daily also advises opposition parties to create a genuine unity, being that the current one is not convincing people that they intend to free the state but only to take over the power.  Opposition should use both the streets and the Assembly, but always by reflecting in a true manner towards the concerns of the citizens,” concludes Kosova Sot.