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Edi Rama fishing fools in Kosovo (Gazeta Express)

Berat Buzhala writes that Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama and his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vucic, appear to agree on a very critical issue: denial of existence of Kosovo state. According to Buzhala, Edi Rama went to Serbia “to fish fools in Pristina.” He considers that Rama’s “patriotic” position in Belgrade last November was a weak spectacle. “I was convinced that Rama was acting. Within seven or eight months, the self-proclaimed close friends, Rama and Vucic, marked their two main momentums: initially, their fight in Belgrade, as it usually happens in the new love stories, and then the romance in Tirana,” writes Buzhala. He adds that the real truth about what the two Prime Ministers think was understood in Tirana Summit, where the two PMs promoted themselves as future leaders of Balkans.

 “And all this was covered with “Kosovo issue.” They initially pretended that Kosovo was the reason of their fight in Belgrade and then that their romance is also happening for the sake of Kosovo and Balkans.”

 Buzhala considers that these relations have not improved Kosovo’s position, but in the contrary. “As a society, we are currently undergoing the most difficult moral and constitutional process: the special court, which forces us to give up voluntarily a part of our sovereignty. Needless to say that Rama’s most recent friend, Vucic, who was also Milosevic’s and Seselj’s best friend and in charge of all Serbian intelligent services during NATO bombing, stands behind all this,” he notes further.

 He writes that Kosovo is not in a position to determine Rama’s agenda, and that it would have been incorrect to request from him to restrain his emotions when meeting Vucic. “He can even invite him to his family, because it is his private matter. However, we can and we should request from him not to talk about Kosovo, as if he was Albanians’ guardian.

It appears that Rama is completely naïve to understand Kosovo’s relation with Serbia, which is that of a butcher with his pray. And Vucic is literally our butcher.

No one would request Rama’s or any other Albanian PM’s support if his mouth was not full of “Kosovo.” I would not even bother to write about it if he wouldn’t impose himself as the Big Brother, as it happened during his last visit in Pristina…where he participated in a ceremony of a political party – Vetevendosje – without respecting any state protocol. Kosovo flags were nowhere to be seen. Kosovo state and its institutions neither. His most recent friend Vucic disdains Kosovo state with the same arrogance,” writes Buzhala.

 Historically, he notes, Kosovo’s biggest misfortunes occurred when Albanian prime ministers overpassed Kosovo to build ‘close friendship relations’ with Serbian leaders…

 Rama should know that it is nonsense to consider himself Vucic’s friend when he hates the other two million Albanians… or he should not mention Kosovo at all. He should especially give up plans to build Serbia-Albania motorway, without even mentioning Kosovo…Or perhaps he has already agreed with the Serbian long time position that Kosovo’s fate should be discussed with Albania,” writes Buzhala.