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Triumph over the evil (Gazeta Express)

Imer Mushkolaj criticizes opponents of the special court noting that they find all sorts of arguments, starting from violation of sovereignty and integrity, KLA’s clean war, special war against KLA, but none of them speaks about the most important issue, the victims. “The people who are not among us anymore and who are suspected to be murdered by former KLA warriors,” writes Mushkolaj.

 He considers that opponents of the establishment of the special court want the code of silence to continue ruling and to them saving the perpetrators from justice is more important than bringing justice for the victims. “They ignore the family members of the victims who are waiting for years to enlighten the fate of their loved ones. They ignore the entire Kosovo society, which remains hostage of the crimes of the past,” continues Mushkolaj. He further criticizes “commanders and so-called commanders, warriors and so-called warriors, liberators and so-called liberators who did not hesitate after the war to execute, abolish, and eliminate people who belonged to another ethnicity or to another political option. Taking over the role of the court and pulling the trigger…expelling them and burning their houses, usurping their properties on behalf of the war and population.

 Serbian regime, Serbian army and police committed terrible crimes in Kosovo. Crimes that have to be punished, but this does not amnesty us from the responsibility of dealing with our own crimes.”

To Mushkolaj, voting on the constitutional amendments at the Assembly was a political game and it failed intentionally. “Hypocrite government officials who say one thing and do the other, an even more hypocrite opposition which for years now accuses those that govern, but when it comes to the establishment of the court decide “to defend values,” the same ones that were violated for years on behalf of the war.”

Mushkolaj expresses irritation regarding the claims of the opposition for establishment of a local court and mentions numerous cases of thefts and corruption that were never punished.

“Kosovo society has valued and it continues to value former KLA warriors for their just war and for the shown heroism, but Kosovars cannot agree with the bad things committed by individuals on behalf of the war and on behalf of the population…Therefore establishment of the special court and lawsuit for the suspects will be the triumph of the Kosovar society over those who kept us hostage for a decade and a half. It will be a triumph over our long and shameful silence about the dark past, our crimes – it will be triumph over the evil,” concludes Mushkolaj.