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There is no EU with corrupt politicians (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily writes that the visit of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Tirana, after her reception of the high level delegation from Kosovo, might have rightfully enthused many people, being that these events proved increased attention of the most powerful EU state towards Balkans in general and Albanians in particular. “German attentiveness to concretize the Berlin process is a momentum that has to be used wisely by the politicians currently leading with Albania and Kosovo. However, as soon as the latter finish these significant visits and meetings, they return to their usual agenda: corruption, monopolization, nepotism, organized crime violation of laws, lack of justice…

Germany appears to be seriously interested to support the Western Balkans and strengthen economic partnership, however, this initially requires legal guarantees and judicial reforms. This message was conveyed directly to Rama’s Government. Beyond the multi-color façade of this visit, Chancellor Merkel did not hesitate to request from the Albanian state to reform the justice system and fight corruption. The same messages were also conveyed to the Kosovo officials during their visit to Berlin. It is not a coincidence that Pristina and Tirana lack the long-waited deadlines for EU integration processes. Therefore, Merkel did not mention any date for Albania’s negotiations on the EU membership and neither was Kosovo given a date for signing of the Stabilization Association Agreement nor liberalization of visas. Cleaning the institutions from incrimination has become a national obligation in both sides of the border.

Germany is ready to support us, however, the citizens should know that our states will never move forward with corrupt politicians. Our states will never mark progress with those that endanger our joint goal, the European family.”