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International community can remove criminals from the political scene (Gazeta Blic)

According to the writer of this opinion piece, Faik Krasniqi, the international community is in a way testing the justice in Kosovo to understand if they are ready and brave to face crimes of different natures committed political and parapolitical “big fish” after the war in Kosovo. However, it is difficult to believe that Kosovo judges and prosecutors would be courageous to face the big fishes of political and business mafia.

Krasniqi considers that the international community made a mistake by handing over the cases to the local judges and prosecutors, claiming that they were nominated by the people that committed crimes.

This political scene stoops only to the international pressure, being that the latter possess arguments for the committed crimes of different natures If the international community is serious about the decriminalization of the political scene and Kosovo institutions, then they should exercise pressure towards the criminal politicians to leave politics, becoming the reason for Kosovo‘s failure as a state of law. “International community should isolate and remove from the political scene the bandits and Mafiosi that have become the cancer of the entire society. Therefore, if there is a will to clear Kosovo from them, then all their cases should be submitted to the Special Court. But if this court acts like EULEX and UNMIK, drowning into corruption and becoming in a way cooperators with the mafio-politics in Kosovo, then we do not need this court at all,” concludes Krasniqi.