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Solidarity against evil (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that it is easy to notice Kosovo’s solidarity with victims, attacked population, and a united condemning position  against aggressors, attackers, criminals and terrorists. This expression of the good will noticed in every public announcement, interview, and social networks is encouraging for Kosovo’s population which proves that they are aligned or at least want to be with progressive forces of the world.

However, when the relations towards the government, rule of law and in-numerous scandals are concerned, there is a hesitation to act. The evil which is keeping Kosovo people hostage, deserves punishment. The paper notes that even though Kosovo’s evil does not result with tragic attacks, hundreds of thousands of people are being victimized by an arrogant and criminalized governing. “We should become realistic and admit that silence is destroying our democracy while producing negativity, shameful governing, extremism, corruption and degradation in all fields. A dose of hypocrisy wraps this neutrality towards evil which is keeping hostage the future of our children. Our society needs courage, determination to speak up against criminalization and discrimination. Only by respecting healthy principles and values of the true democracy as the one in France or other civilized western countries, we can move forward and defeat the evil,” concludes this paper.