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Totalitarianism of a party (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this paper criticizes the Democratic Party of Kosovo for constantly bragging about being the most consolidated, powerful and successful party in governing Kosovo, while the results continuously show the opposite. “In fact, this party resembles more and more the Working Party of communist Albania, in which the leader was god and others could not even breathe without his permission. The announcement of the election of Veseli as leader of this party clearly illustrates lack of democracy in the party.”

“After praising the former leader despite him leading with an iron hand and transforming the party into a business corporation using public funds, PDK members rushed to hail the new boss, who has worked undercover until recently,” notes the paper adding that no criticism was heard at the meeting of the members of the party, only praise, and bragging about success.

According to the paper, the facts show another reality: ever since the declaration of independence this party has relentlessly spread a feared state of corruption throughout the institutions, building a criminal and clientele network, seizing media and justice, ensuring in this manner that no one would dare to attack the comfort and luxury they  obtained through taxpayers money, at least for several years.

“Under the “successful” leadership of this party, sixty percent of the youth are unemployed and the majority are unqualified for the labor market. The majority of enterprises struggle to survive and a large number are on the verge of bankruptcy.  We have a scandalous education system, insulting health care, nepotism and lack of rule of law. A party that carries the stamp of this extreme degradation is scary for the future of Kosovo,” concludes the paper.