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Condition dialogue with abolishment of Serbian arrest warrants (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of the paper notes that arrests of Kosovo Albanians based on arrest warrants issued by Serbian authorities, remain a challenge in the relations between the two countries. “Even Kosovo senior officials and well-known politicians became victims of these decisions; however, due to the sensitivity of the cases, they were released after the mediation of the internationals. However, when ordinary citizens, who do not carry senior positions, are concerned, their suffering is limitless. It is irresponsible how the government of Kosovo does not defend its citizens, even 17 years after the end of the war. Such arrests could be understandable during the first years after the war, especially when former KLA soldiers were concerned, but not now, when we talk about normalization of relations, agreements, partnerships, shaking of hands, compromises, Association, etc.

Despite the fact that Kosovo is a young country, authorities are obliged to defend their citizens from such abuses, which derive from Serbia’s arrest warrants, distributed throughout the entire Europe and further. This matter is discussed only when cases such as the most recent one in Switzerland, where two former KLA members are expected to be extradited to Serbian prisons are concerned.

Kosovo’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, the one of the External Affairs, Kosovo embassies in the world, do not act to clarify this problem once and for all. If there were normality at the Assembly, they should have debated the unresolved matter and if required, condition dialogue with Serbia with the aboloshment of the political arrest warrants for Kosovo Albanians,” reads the editorial.