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Another blow to the government from the U.S. Department of State (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that the government of the Republic of Kosovo received another blow on Thursday, this time from the U.S. Department of State’s report on human trafficking. According to the report, the Kosovo government fails to entirely meet the minimal standards for eliminating human trafficking and that corruption in the government creates an environment that enables some of the trafficking crimes. The editorial further notes that even the annual European Commission’s Progress Report on Kosovo includes the same findings. “Such reports, however, are no big surprise for the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo. They are used to reading reports that highlight corruption in state institutions … The Kosovo government, however, seems to have become immune to these reports and is ‘lobbying’ to improve Kosovo’s image in the world and eventually bring some new recognitions”. The editorial also notes that the State Department’s report also criticizes the Kosovo judiciary for issuing minimal sentences for traffickers.