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Conflicting politics makes Kosovo insecure (Kosova Sot)

According to the front page editorial of this daily, abuse with power in Kosovo is not stopping while judicial reflection or moral reaction of the incriminated protagonists is desperate. “Abusive government officials do not feel the slightest regret for the major harm caused to Kosovo, while competent officials appear to be competent only to remain silent. Within a few days, bombs flied from one institution to the other while the police are not being capable to find out who stands behind them,” writes the paper criticizing also the coalition government for not being able to find a consensus on sensitive issues. “This lack of a compromise is inducing more dissatisfaction among the tired levels of the society. The incidents in one hand create an insecure image of Kosovo, while on the other they shift the focus from the crucial matters related to failed administration and caught up institutions, public companies, independent boards and agencies.

The war for power is once again victimizing the innocent citizens who seek a state of justice. This fragile situation cannot last forever and it can explode one day. A single sparkle, a single push and things can take an unpredictable course. In order to avoid the evil, leaders of the state should leave aside their businesses and exercise at least temporarily their legal and constitutional obligations, concludes this daily.