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Thaci in Macedonia, promises crossing of the border with IDs (Koha)

Hashim Thaci, Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, is visiting Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, where he initially met with his counterpart, Nikola Poposki. According to the FYROM electronic media, the two ministers discussed the possibilities for further bilateral and regional cooperation. It is also understood that they discussed the possibility for the populations of the two countries to cross the borders only with their identity cards. However, Thaci is quoted as saying that this can be expected only after six months. “It is the will of both countries to have a free movement of the citizens, however there are some technical procedures that need to be overcome,” said Thaci. They also discussed about holding of a joint meeting of the two governments very soon, as well as about regional and infrastructure projects.  According to Thaci, acceleration on building the Kicevo – Struga – Qafe Thane railway, is of major interest for Kosovo.

The Foreign Ministers also signed agreements for mutual defense of investments and cooperation between diplomatic academies.

Asked by the journalists whether he is aware that a group of Albanians from Kosovo and Albania, currently in Italy, are recruiting warriors for the terrorist organization ISIS, Thaci said that Kosovo is an example on how religious extremism should be fought. “We will be uncompromising towards this phenomenon. Kosovo will not make compromises with religious extremism,” Thaci said.