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OSCE: Ensure full compliance with the Law on Use of Languages (KiM radio)

"Municipalities in Kosovo should more respect the Law on Use of Languages," was concluded in the report, which was presented by the OSCE mission in Pristina. 

The report highlighted concerns about written translation of materials from public meetings, signs on public buildings and roads, as well as inconsistencies in the employment of officials of public administration, which should fluently speak both official languages, Albanian and Serbian. "A full respect for language rights is essential for the preservation of different cultures and multiethnic society in Kosovo," said the head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Jan Claude Schlumberger. 

As a positive step, the report states general respect of the obligation to provide oral translations, at municipal meetings. The report also indicates that, although municipalities have adopted regulations on languages ​​in official use, the Romani language is still not recognized, and protected. "The equal use of both official languages, as well as the languages ​​that are officially used at the municipal level, must be provided as a precondition for the provision of services, enabling effective participation of all communities in public life," said Ambassador Schlumberger. 

The report "Respect for language rights by municipalities in Kosovo" refers to the period from June 2011 till February 2014, and is result of regular OSCE activities. The report also reads recommendations on how to respond to the identified deficiencies.