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Serbia ready for the Chapter 32 (RTS)

The head of the Serbian team in negotiations with the European Union, Tanja Miščević said that Serbia is ready to begin negotiations by opening the chapter 32, which stipulates control over spending of budget funds. "This chapter is very important for the citizens because it is directly related to the fight against corruption ... We are fully prepared for the chapter 32," said Miščević in talk show “Oko”. 

She added that in the early stage should be opened Chapters 23 and 24, relating to the rule of law and fundamental rights, or 35, which pertains to the normalization of relations with Pristina. "One of these chapters must be opened at an early stage. The chapters exist in order to determine the pace of the negotiation process. These chapters are the last to be closed, but we know nothing about the chapter 35," said Miščević, adding that the Director of the Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric is in Brussels where they will discuss this chapter. 

EU Member States will decide which chapter of the negotiations will be the first, explained Miščević. 

President of the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence Sonja Licht evaluated that Germany and Chancellor Angela Merkel have an impact on Serbia's European integration, and that the Union pay attention how Chancellor sees what Belgrade achieved in European integration. "Sometimes the focus is placed only on the relations between Belgrade and Pristina. However, the economy, reforms and fight against corruption and crime are obviously important, because it is not only our problem," said Licht.


