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Janjić: I expect processing of hundreds of former KLA members (Novi Magazin)

The President of Active Serbia  and political analyst Dušan Janjić expects, due to suspicion for committing a war crimes, that several hundred former KLA members, including several former commanders of that formation will be processed by the court in future.

Reflecting on yesterday’s report on human organ trafficking in Kosovo in 1999 presented by the lead prosecutor Clint Williamson, Janjić said to Radio Television of Serbia that report is correct and that it follows allegations presented in the well-known Dick Marty’s report, even though it didn’t find sufficient evidence for processing those responsible of organ trafficking.

Serbian public, according to him, might be disappointed because it was exposed to expectations that there will be more solid evidence and that even Hashim Thaçi himself would be processed, however nothing is excluded yet since it can’t be known in which direction the investigation will move in future.

“The EU bureaucracy still hasn’t solved the issue of the unit in Brussels, because investigation unit should be dislocated out of Kosovo due to security reasons. There are more ideas so far than solutions. An idea is that Kosovo should establish its own special court for war crimes, however in that regard we should have some constitutional amendments, but since the beginning of the trial is desired to start before the constitutional amendments take place, it is obvious that it will commence through a video-bridge,” said Janjić.

He claims that the trial will not bring any essential shifts in the relation of the international community toward the past, whereas it will be noted in the history that the KLA was a guerrilla formation which has committed crimes, too.

Commenting on political situation in Kosovo, that is difficulties in the creation of the government in Pristina, Janjić said that Serbs have no need to form the majority and that the best thing is to wait until Albanians agree amongst themselves and settle their accounts.

“Serbs are interested for the stable situation since in an unstable political atmosphere they are security’s victims. It is good that Kosovo gets stable government in order that constitution is changed and that firm guarantees are provided to Serbs and their property,” said Janjić.
