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Vekarić: Evidenced war crimes in Kosovo and Metohija (Blic)

The Deputy Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Bruno Vekarić stated today that war crimes which took place in nineties in Kosovo and Metohija have been evidenced, what will have, as the outcome, indictments against individuals who have committed war crimes.

Reflecting on the EULEX Special Prosecutor Clint Williamson’s report, Vekarić reiterated that war crimes which took place in nineties in Kosovo and Metohija have been evidenced, what was the missing link in the work of the Hague Tribunal.

Vekarić said in the TV Pink morning program that Serbs have been accused for many crimes, whereas those who committed crimes against Serbs were not accused.
It is important that Williamson emphasized it, not as an incident, but as the organized ongoing campaign, what will lead toward certain indictments against individuals who have committed such war crime,” said Vekarić.

“Williamson has made a parallel with the Dick Marty’s report, which is exclusively dealing with the organ trafficking, and said that it is largely consistent with findings from his investigation,” said Vekarić.

Williamson announced that, until the indictments are raised, that is until the establishment of the court, investigation related to organ trafficking will continue, said Vekarić and added that it is difficult to prove human organ trafficking and reminded on releasing Hague verdicts for Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj.

“The focus should be now on the establishment of that tribunal. I suppose that it will be based in the Netherlands,” said Vekarić.

Vekarić repeated that Williamson’s report is objective and that it will bring to realization of the international justice.
