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Session of Municipal Assemblies of northern Kosovo scheduled for today (Kontakt plus radio)

Councillors of four municipalities in northern Kosovo will hold an emergency session today in Zvecan/Zveqan, regarding political and security situation in this part of Kosovo.

The session was scheduled after the meeting held on August 20, at which were present majors, presidents of municipal assemblies, the heads of the provisional institutions of municipalities in northern Kosovo and the chiefs of the district.

Albanian deputies announced the boycott of a joint session, assessing the session as "an open provocation", carried the Kosovo media.

Recall that the Kosovo police on the orders of EULEX, in mid-July, attempted to serve the summons for hearing the mayor of Zubin Potok, Stevan Vulovic and former president of the municipality, Slavisa Ristic, what was the reason for the meeting held on 20 August.