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Rakic and Bozovic: Some in prison for years without indictment (Politika)

Mitrovica – Leaders of the Mitrovica municipality, Ksenija Bozovic and Goran Rakic visited today Detention Unit in Mitrovica and talked with prisoners and, as stated, some of whom are in detention for years without indictment.

As stated, the purpose was to visit Serbian prisoners in Detention Unit, as well as detained Serbs accused before the EULEX justice including the CI SDP leader Oliver Ivanovic.

Bozovic and Rakic ​​wanted to get acquainted with the conditions in which are Serbian prisoners.

"The tour included all the rooms, from cells to the workrooms, an interview was conducted with all the prisoners, who had appealed to the court processes against them, as several prisoners stated that they have been in detention for more years without indictments, which violates the legislation and threatens basic human rights," the statement said.

As the statement adds, justified behaviour is caused by dissatisfaction with the work of EULEX.

The prisoners did not complain when it comes to prison conditions and attitude of prison employees towards them.

The President of the Municipal Assembly and the Mayor expressed their willingness to local governments provide the necessary funds, but also to inform the competent institutions of the need to hire more workers because the Detention Unit does not have enough staff, which is unacceptable.