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Serbs decide who will be PM (Vesti online)

America and key European countries do not want that radical movement, led by Albin Kurti, is a member of the new ruling coalition in Kosovo, said diplomatic sources. They explain that the "West is angry," with the candidate of the united opposition for the PM, Haradinaj, because he made an agreement with the Self-determination and even agreed that Kurti will be negotiator in dialogue with Belgrade.  

Before, Haradinaj enjoyed the support of some powerful member states who considered that Thaci should leave the post of the Prime. However, without consultations Haradinaj called Kurti to join coalition and in such a way lost confidence of the West. The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo already lost support of the Serbian List, with whom he previously agreed to cooperate. This list, in consultations with the Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, decided not to enter government with those who oppose the interests of the Serbs, such as Self-determination movement.

Kosovo Serbs and Vucic did not do this "by chance". Kurti clearly stated that as negotiator in Brussels he would not talk with Belgrade representatives, which is contrary to the interests of Serbia, but is contrary also to the position of the EU. The decisive factor to reject a pact with the Self-determination was that even the West does not want the Kurti’s movement in power.

Now Haradinaj and his partners from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) can only renounce Kurti, make agreement only with the Serbs, or to enter into conflict with the United States and the EU. 

Unlike opposition block, the Serbian list is necessary for the alliance of the current Kosovo Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci. Therefore, suspicions that the Serbian List, or at least part of the MPs, could move in Thaci’s ranks appeared in the public.