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Kosovo Serbs: No agreement with EULEX (Vecernje Novosti)

Leaders of the four municipalities in northern Kosovo and Metohija held a meeting in Kosovska Mitrovica with the EU delegation. The decision remains that Serbs in the north might stage peaceful protests due to latest EULEX actions.

An hour long meeting between the leadership from northern Kosovo and Metohija and EULEX delegation, held yesterday in Kosovska Mitrovica, did not yield any result. Thus, our compatriots’ decision on staging peaceful protests due to latest EUELX actions in the north of the province remains in ‘game’.

The meeting, which was called due to an outrage of Serbs because of the arrest warrants released by EULEX against former and incumbent mayors of Zubin Potok, Slavisa Ristic and Stevan Vulovic, respectively, took place at the premises of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija in North Mitrovica behind the closed door, hence without any shifts.

The Mayor of Leposavić/Leposaviq Dragan Jablanovic said to Novosti that nothing has been agreed at the meeting and that both sides have remained on their previous positions. “We proposed them that Vulovic and Ristic could be interviewed at any of the EU offices in Serbia proper, what was refused by EULEX representatives,” said Jablanovic.

He added that leadership of northern municipalities will discuss further steps with the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and stressed that idea on staging peaceful protest against EULEX activities has not been dropped.

“EULEX representatives have proposed meetings with the leaders from northern municipalities two times per month, but such meetings would not have any effects. They keep rotating after six months or a year, and all newcomers are familiarizing with the situation again and again, however people continue to suffer and fear,” Jablanovic said bitterly.

The Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo and Meothija Marko Djuric will pay a visit to cooperative ‘Zubin Potok’ in nothern Kosovo on Thursday, what will also be an opportunity to meet the leaders of northern municipalities and discuss latest developments.