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Rikalo: Election material isn’t status neutral (Kontakt Plus radio)

Member of Kosovo Central Election Commission (CEC) Nenad Rikalo said today that the electoral material for the upcoming parliamentary elections in Kosovo on the June 8th will not be status neutral, and among other things there are problems with voter lists and the appointment of electoral committees.

Rikalo in a statement for Kontakt Plus radio said that today or tomorrow should be released the exact number of voters on the electoral roll

"There are technical problems with the voter list, and still there are more voters than inhabitants in the territory of Kosovo. The final number on the electoral roll has not been determined, and it should be done today or tomorrow during the day and then we will announce the exact number of voters on the electoral roll," said Rikalo.

He said that there are serious problems with the appointment of electoral committees.

"Yesterday, at a meeting to be honest ​​a precedent was made, almost violently, the Albanian majority outvoted and decided that in all areas where Serbs are will have to be Albanians and where Albanians are there are no Serbs. So we practically do not know what is going on at any point, they can steal and manipulate with the elections and they want at any cost the presence in the north," said Rikalo.

According to him, there is a new situation on the division of seats, and the Albanians "everything they have failed to do by amending the electoral law, now want to squeeze through a change in electoral rules and in one illegal and unconstitutional manner practically bring things to the detriment of the Serbian community".

"I think the main problem is that we had a process in Brussels for local elections, where they discussed and negotiated on certain things, now it is completely omitted. Albanians interpret it that as they are not obliged to implement what has been agreed for the local elections, Serbs expect the agreement, which then was made, to be valid and for this election. Reaction of the international community i.e. the EU is completely absent, they left it to itself and to be resolved by itself, so now we have a lot of problems on the ground," he pointed out.

Rikalo pointed out that Serbian community can affect these moves of Pristina, primarily with the clear message of Belgrade.

"What Belgrade can do for us here is the capacity of negotiation and influence on the international actors. We have no such effect, we can object as much as we want but it will not be heard further from Kosovska Mitrovica, it stays here. If such a reaction of Belgrade is absent then we will be in a serious trouble here. If there will be such a reaction, I believe that the international community and the people in Pristina will understand a little more serious this situation," said Rikalo.

He said that on a ballot is present coat of arms of Kosovo and the electoral material is not status neutral.

According to him, the neutrality of the electoral materials was agreed in Brussels for the local elections in the province and now Pristina interprets that it is not its duty to implement it for the Central Elections.

"We think it is the obligation and, if a solution is not found it will actually produce revolt and reaction of the people who live here and will affect the number of voters, turnout, the results," he said.

Rikalo said that for the elections registered 31 political entities but that meantime one dropped out of the election so that the total number is 30 of those who were at the draw.

Of these, five Serbian political subjects reported but in the election race only three participate.

"Two reported purely fictitious in order to protect the ability to participate in the voting boards and the municipal election commissions so it does not happen that Serbs are left without the presence at the polling places," he explained.

There are nearly 30 000 applications of displaced persons, of which 26 000 came from the central part of the Republic of Serbia.

"Of the 26 thousand in the first round of checks, 12 903 were accepted, 12 563 were rejected and sent to the appeals procedure, which is in progress," explained Rikalo adding that only for a few days will be known the actual total number of displaced persons who will have the right to vote.

Voting for displaced persons whose applications are accepted starts today, given that the election materials were transferred to Nis yesterday. Displaced outside of Kosovo will vote at the address where they reported for the voting process.

Rikalo also said that as far as the north of Kosovo, all polling stations that applied for the local elections will be valid for the central elections. The total number of voters will be published only after the adoption of the electoral roll.
