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The ramp for Kosovo at the East River (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade is strengthening its activities aiming at preventing new recognitions of Kosovo. Our delegation at UN will have meetings with around 30 world dignitaries between 21 and 27 September. Belgrade has prepared a comprehensive diplomatic activity as the ‘counter-attack’ to Pristina’s plans to provide new recognitions of independence.

According to Novosti, lobbying of Serbia will follow three directions – through our embassies, through all contacts of our state officials with foreign dignitaries and through strengthening of diplomatic activities in most important power centers.

Prevention of new recognitions and providing support for interests of Serbia, along with the continuation of dialogue with Pristina being the only way for normalization of relations, will be the main goal of our state leadership which will depart to New York in two weeks.

As we learned from the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, President Tomislav Nikolic will be at the helm of our delegation in New York from 21 to 27 September. They will have around 30 meetings with dignitaries from all over the world on the margins of the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Ivan Mrkic, former FM and Nikolic’s advisor, said to Novosti that Pristina is permanently trying to increase the number of states which recognize their unilateral declaration of independence and it keeps sending delegations to lobby at the East River. “According to our evidence, Pristina has been recognized by 100 out of 193 UN member states, although they claim that the figure is much higher. During the period of my term in the office they were recognized by 14, mainly smaller states, and that dynamic is decreasing,” said Mrkic.

Our former Ambassador to the UN Pavle Jevremovic stressed that despite all so far efforts, Pristina won’t get the permanent ‘ticket’ for the UN, that is, neither the status of an observer nor the chair of the permanent member. “They can be present at meetings, but only upon an invitation by a permanent member state, and they don’t have the right to participate in the work of the General Assembly and other UN bodies. No matter on political pressure by ‘figures’, without the Security Council, which initiates and decides on accession of the new states to the UN, Pristina cannot expect the membership. Also, Serbia has support of two SC member states with the power of veto – Russia and China,” Jevremovic explained.

Vatican is not changing the stance. Mrkic explained that Belgrade is investing serious efforts with the goal that states in important regions of Africa, Asia and Latin America, which didn’t recognize Kosovo’s independence, remain on the same position. “Those states are exposed to pressure by Pristina, assisted by serious friends, who are supporting their independence. It is important that some big states, including five EU member states, but Vatican too, will not shift their position and recognize Pristina.