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Northern Kosovo: Election activities on hold (KIM radio)

Mayors from northern Kosovo said that they have put on hold all election activities due to Central Election Commission’s decision with regards to composition of election boards. Mayors argue that decision is brought in violation with the ethnic composition of the population and electoral rolls for municipalities in the north.

“If Albanians are entitled to participate in election boards in northern Kosovo, we request that Serbs are entitled to participate in election boards in municipalities in southern part of Kosovo,” reads the statement signed by the mayors of four municipalities in northern Kosovo.

In the same time they requested removal of features and coat of arms alleging the statehood from the ballot papers, ‘considering that the election process in all democratic states is uniformed, whereas European standard is that only features of the election commissions is featured on the ballot papers’.

Mayors said that Serbs from northern Kosovo wish to ‘take over the their destiny in their own hands’ by participation in elections, however the decision of CEC is the example of discrimination and racism. They further said that relevant international organizations and their representatives in Kosovo will be informed about everything and that, unless their requests are met, they will reconsider, together with citizens, their decision on participation in elections.
