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1,264 students enrolled at Pristina University (Tanjug)

MITROVICA - Faculties of the University of Pristina (PU) with the temporary seat in Mitrovica enrolled 1,264 new students in the academic year 2014/2015 out of the planned 1,776, which is the quota set by the Ministry of Education.

PU Vice-Dean for education and student affairs Professor Tomislav Trific said that students showed the most interest in the Faculty of Medicine, where the quota of students funded from the budget has been reached in the first enrolment period, with only 15 places left in the general medicine section to be filled on the second enrolment date.

Students funded from the budget have been enrolled, and there is room for around 500 students more. We are content with the number of students who will receive their record books today and continue their education at our University, Trific told Tanjug.

In the welcome ceremony held at the Faculty of Philosophy, the Dean of the Faculty Professor Branko Jovanovic emphasized that the doors of this institution are open for all.

“You will have an opportunity to receive a modern, European education, but one that is not devoid of national values,” Jovanovic told the students.

The Faculty offers 20 study programs this year, including 10 in basic academic studies and 8 Master's degree courses, said Jovanovic, adding that the accreditation for a PhD program in History has been approved.