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Five Serb-owned houses destroyed in Đakovica/Gjakovë (International Radio Serbia)

In the centre of the town of Đakovica/Gjakovë, five Serb-owned houses were destroyed to the ground with excavators. The incident happened on one of the most important Serbian Orthodox days, St Paraskeva (Petka). The attack occurred after the Association of Serbs Displaced from Đakovica/Gjakovë sent letters to the US representative in Pristina, Tracey Jacobson, and also to the embassies of the leading countries in Belgrade, requesting protection of their basic rights and property. Đokica Stanojević, the president of the Association, assessed that the attack was clearly aimed at obliterating Serbs from Đakovica/Gjakovë. We are now asking all their excellencies and international and religious community and organization representatives,whether the future of Kosovo is being built with excavators, stress Serbs from Đakovica/Gjakovë, pointing to the fact that, of the 12,000 of them who lived in that municipality until 1999, only four nuns have remained, currently living in the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin, under police protection.